
محتوى رئيسي

تدفق المحتوى

قالت منظمة العفو الدولية إن التهجير الحالي لمليوني فلسطيني، وتدمير الممتلكات والبنية التحتية في قطاع غزة، يسلط الضوء على سجل إسرائيل المروع في تهجير الفلسطينيين، ورفضها المستمر احترام حقهم في العودة.

Published On 15/5/2024
“Thousands of Palestinians were forced into displacement due to the intensive bombardment of their hometowns. As I was taking this picture; I remembered my grandfather telling me about al-Nakba and how he was displaced. I started crying. My grandfather passed away in 2002, and I saw his story with all of its details: the children, the women, the food, and the belongings that they’re carrying with their helpless hands. It’s exactly what my grandfather had described to me, and so I broke-down, with bitterness and ache in my heart.”مصدر الصورة (اليونيسيف)